Referrals to Bachlaw Intensive Support are taken from anywhere in the UK but primarily within Scotland. At the point of referral to Bachlaw Projects the young person will be usually be between 8-15 years old.

The referral process is:

  • Initial contact by telephone, email or website contact link.
  • Bachlaw Projects will request fully completed, up-to-date, in-depth background information eg review/hearings/education reports, a psychological assessment/report and where relevant a medical report, to be forwarded to the Bachlaw Projects Management Team. This information must include everything listed under Regulation 35, Looked After Children Regulations 2009.

Once all necessary information is received, Bachlaw managers will consider:

  • The positives in the potential placement, for both the young person and the existing group.
  • What can be offered by the service which will make a difference.
  • Proximity/ distance from family friends and people who are important to them
  • Availability of local resources eg education, specialist health etc
  • Desired outcomes for the young person and the skills mix of staff to help achieve outcomes
  • Availability of appropriate staffing and the stability and consistency of staffing arrangements to promote effective relationships
  • Service capacity to nurture relationships with the young person; provide love and care; and recognise and respond to any trauma they may have experienced
  • Any obvious reason why the placement should not go ahead.

Bachlaw Projects staff will, wherever possible, visit the young person in-situ before making a final decision on the appropriateness of the placement.

The Individual Placement Agreement (IPA) which includes the financial agreement will be completed and signed prior to placement.

Cross Border Placements

  • A young person subject to a care order from England, Wales or Northern Ireland must have a judgement that authorises a cross border placement to Scotland before we will accept the placement.
  • Placements will only be agreed on a planned basis
  • We will establish that they have a named independent advocate
  • We will request the placing authority to confirm they have consulted the host authority on capacity, need and the appropriateness of the placement.
  • We will inform the care inspectorate of any new cross border placements.